3D printing material , how to choose the filament for 3D printing product


       Hello everyone today we are going to larn what is the raw material for 3D printing purpose which material is used and how to choose the right material for the product by the useage of the product

Material for printing:

  The raw material for printing is known as filament . The filament is many types based on the nature of the material some example for filament is ABS, PLA , PETG , NYLON ,TPU TPE, WOOD etc 

Choosing the right material for product:

      The choosing of the right Material for the product is easy one . Before choosing the material we have to know the useage of the product like high temperature , high strength and it to be flexible like that. 

After finding the useage of the product .we have to select the right material for printing based on the nature of the filament material. This is method to find the right material for printing the product or prototype . 

                   THANK YOU


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